Sabtu, 05 September 2015

When I was a little boy, I had a dog. And her name is Cemplok. She was clever and very faithful to our family. She was brought by my grandfather from our far neighbor. My grandfather looks after her until she is become an adult dog. She had some puppies at that time. My grandfather sold them then. It because, in period 1970 until 1998, Indonesia is still in poor condition. We lost our Cemplok after unknown man cut her leg off. She died and that was very sad moment. We curse the person who was gave her that cruel thing. And some days later, we heard a man had an accident with his leg. We did not know, whether it is the man who cut cemplok or not. And it did not change anything, our Cemplok has gone.

To remember all that moment, I draw a dog. Just like cemplok. But I cannot draw a good picture. Just an ugly drawn of a dog. But again, you can use it everywhere if you want.  Thank you for visiting. Take a look at other picture, Grasshopper can be eaten?
